Title: Eyes Set To Kill - Liar In The Glass
Length: 4:03
This music video is one of the first ESTK brought out, it's a low budget with low effect, but it still comes across as a fairly average video, for one of their best and earliest songs, and has gained over 2.5 million views on YouTube due to this.
Textual Analysis:
Camera Work:
- Hand held camera, as it has some shaky filming, but with the cut scenes it's not really noticeable.
- Mid shots which most of the time has numerous members in the scene.
- Zooming is used quite often in this video, into and out of the focus of the center piece.
- Long Shots complimenting the range of Mid Shots and Close Ups.
- The angel of the shots used varies, from aiming up towards the focus crating a dominating effect, which moves to an overview which shows an inferior or powerless display.
- Scruffy clothing, makes it intended that its a student band.
- In a plain room/studio, with instruments.
- Recorded song, with video added afterwards.
- Microphone, with instruments.
- Stereo Sounding.
- Basic Singing, subtle and calm (Female Vocalist.)
- Screaming, loud, vigorous (Male Vocalist.)
- Shows a compilation of two different genre's of music.
- Cut Cut's of clips to show the speed of that section of the song.
- A mix of clips, edited and placed together to create certain effects during various tempo's of the song (Face paced clips during quick/heavy instrumental sections, fewer clips used during slower/slow instrumental sections.)
- Flashing Imagery, which turns out really nicely, showing the full effect of the music by video (Displayed to the right.)
- The video flicks between the instruments quite often, showing their playing technique, then back between the Female Vocalist, and the Male Vocalist. The whole band/group tend not to appear much, only during various slower sections of the song.
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