Title: Eyes Set To Kill - Darling
Length: 4:09
I have chosen to analyse this music video by Eyes Set To Kill because it's the music video that my group are going to attempt to re-enact. It will be a great video analyse as it'll break down the components of what we need to do and achieve, also the standard that we have to work at to achieve a music video for this genre.
Textual Analysis:
Camera Work:
- The camera work consists of a hand held camera, to provide the jump effect which flows throughout the music video.
- Theres a lot of mid shots, close ups (to show the story of the video) close ups of the instruments.
- Dark Clothing as it stands out in the lighter scenes.
- Lead Singer (Female) wears standard clothing, so she stands out from the band.
- Lots of props, including various clothing, doctors gown, face mask, latex gloves, speakers, projector and films, sterilized equipment.
- Recorded song, with video added afterwards.
- Microphone.
- Stereo sound.
- Basic singing, subtle and calm (Female Vocalist.)
- Screaming, loud, vigorous (Male Vocalist.)
- Flicks between singer(s) and band members, whilst constantly venturing off into the storyline, showing the surgeon, and the extra female who's being operated on.
- Shows the instruments often to show some part of the band, and the instrumental sections.
- A grainy effect flashes across the video at add a disorientated or old effect to the video, I enjoy this effect and shall attempt to create this effect during editing.
- There's a text overlay effect implemented into the video, which appears at various points (see image below.) Where the word 'Lies' appears in a text form overlapping the video itself.
- I noticed that the video keeps in time with the music, so when the music slows down, the video itself slows to a reasonable pace, with less cut shots to alternative clips.
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