About Me

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Hey, my names Richard, Im 22 years young, and I am currently attending New College Telford. I study Media Studies, Photography and Business Studies. This is my first year, as I've already been to TCAT for 2 years, along with Wolverhampton University for 1 year. I enjoy my tattoos and piercings and always up for a laugh, nights out, and listening to all types of music :)

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Progression Update (1)

So far, myself and James, have filmed the majority of our music video, and edited a selection of footage. the video is our version of the 'Eyes Set To Kill' song, 'Darling.'

  • Male Vocals
For this, we have used a silhouette of James singing into a corded telephone, with a plain white back board lit up by a spot light, which allows the filming to create a dark figure singing into the phone, but with an unidentified identity.
  • Guitar Sections
We used a similar effect for this, first I filmed James playing the guitar along to the full length of the song, focusing on the torso and guitar, and not focusing on the face at all.
Secondly, James filmed myself playing the guitar, which allows us to use different footage for creating certain effects in the music video.
Th effects we used for this was slightly different compared to the silhouette used for the male vocals, we used the same plain white back board, but placed the light infront of the guitarists, allowing a spotlight on the instruments, this also provided a nice shadow enlarged on the white back board.
  • Breaking Objects
We managed to gain various items to break for the music video, which included a mug, 12" Vinyl, 7" Vinyl and a 'fake' mobile phone. We managed to gain permission to use an empty part of the college's facilities, due to health and safety we unsure about this originally, but we brought some safety goggles for this procedure.
We filmed in a remote corner, on a paved surface, set the camera on a tripod and started throwing, whilst recording, in an angered rage.

  • Overlay of Text with effects
During various sections of the video editing, I've implemented text, which overlays the video on which we've recorded. For example, if there's a section of video which displays James' silhouette with the lyrics 'Darling', then I put that lyric on the video which has been tilted, Earthquake effect and the Opacity reduced to half.
  • In-Sync (30 secs)
We've currently only edited the first 30 seconds of the video, as it's been quite time consuming, and has taken a lot of time and effort, to get the section so far in-sync with the song.
  • Song Title and Band Intro
At the beginning, I've added the song title and band name, to make it appear as a 'proper' music video, and so the audience may see whom they are listening to.
  • Blending Effects
During various sections of the music video, the blending between certain clips/scenes has been quite a dramatic change, so adding in some of the various video filters and video transitions, its helped the sudden change be more subtle. Using such effects as 'Ripple Dissolve', 'Dip to Color Dissolve' and 'Fade In and Out Dissolve.'

Over the coming weeks, Myself and James are hoping to finish recording for:
  1. Female Vocals
  2. Drums
  3. More Guitar (Possibility)
  4. Various Filming
So far, I feel that we are going at a steady pace, and the editing is slightly more time consuming than I originally predicted, but we shall finish this video within the due time.